Top-Level Function#

b2luigi.process(task_like_elements, show_output=False, dry_run=False, test=False, batch=False, ignore_additional_command_line_args=False, **kwargs)#

Call this function in your main method to tell b2luigi where your entry point of the task graph is. It is very similar to with some additional configuration options.


This example defines a simple task and tells b2luigi to execute it 100 times with different parameters:

import b2luigi
import random

class MyNumberTask(b2luigi.Task):
    some_parameter = b2luigi.Parameter()

    def output(self):
        return b2luigi.LocalTarget(f"results/output_file_{self.some_parameter}.txt")

    def run(self):
        random_number = random.random()
        with self.output().open("w") as f:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    b2luigi.process([MyNumberTask(some_parameter=i) for i in range(100)])

All flag arguments can also be given as command line arguments. This means the call with:

b2luigi.process(tasks, batch=True)

is equivalent to calling the script with:

python --batch
  • task_like_elements (Task or list) – Task(s) to execute with luigi. Can either be a list of tasks or a task instance.

  • show_output (bool, optional) – Instead of running the task(s), write out all output files which will be generated marked in color, if they are present already. Good for testing of your tasks will do, what you think they should.

  • dry_run (bool, optional) – Instead od running the task(s), write out which tasks will be executed. This is a simplified form of dependency resolution, so this information may be wrong in some corner cases. Also good for testing.

  • test (bool, optional) – Does neither run on the batch system, with multiprocessing or dispatched (see DispatchableTask) but directly on the machine for debugging reasons. Does output all logs to the console.

  • batch (bool, optional) – Execute the tasks on the selected batch system. Refer to Quick Start for more information. The default batch system is LSF, but this can be changed with the batch_system settings. See get_setting on how to define settings.

  • ignore_additional_command_line_args (bool, optional, default False) – Ignore additional command line arguments. This is useful if you want to use this function in a file that also does some command line parsing.

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments passed to


You should always have just a single call to process in your script. If you need to have multiple calls, either use a b2luigi.WrapperTask or two scripts.