Super-hero Task Classes#

If you want to use the default luigi.Task class or any derivative of it, you are totally fine. No need to change any of your scripts! But if you want to take advantage of some of the recipes we have developed to work with large luigi task sets, you can use the drop in replacements from the b2luigi package. All task classes (except the b2luigi.DispatchableTask, see below) are superclasses of a luigi class. As we import luigi into b2luigi, you just need to replace

import luigi


import b2luigi as luigi

and you will have all the functionality of luigi and b2luigi without the need to change anything!

class b2luigi.Task(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: luigi.task.Task

Drop in replacement for luigi.Task which is 100% API compatible. It just adds some useful methods for handling output file name generation using the parameters of the task. See Quick Start on information on how to use the methods.


class MyAverageTask(b2luigi.Task):
    def requires(self):
        for i in range(100):
            yield self.clone(MyNumberTask, some_parameter=i)

    def output(self):
        yield self.add_to_output("average.txt")

    def run(self):
        # Build the mean
        summed_numbers = 0
        counter = 0
        for input_file in self.get_input_file_names("output_file.txt"):
            with open(input_file, "r") as f:
                summed_numbers += float(
                counter += 1

        average = summed_numbers / counter

        with self.get_output_file("average.txt").open("w") as f:
add_to_output(output_file_name: str) Dict[str, luigi.local_target.LocalTarget]#

Call this in your output() function to add a target to the list of files, this task will output. Always use in combination with yield. This function will automatically add all current parameter values to the file name when used in the form:


This function will automatically use a LocalTarget. If you do not want this, you can override the _get_output_file_target function.


This adds two files called some_file.txt and some_other_file.txt to the output:

def output(self):
    yield self.add_to_output("some_file.txt")
    yield self.add_to_output("some_other_file.txt")

output_file_name (str) – the file name of the output file. Refer to this file name as a key when using get_input_file_names, get_output_file_names or get_output_file.

get_all_input_file_names() Iterator[str]#

Return all file paths required by this task.


class TheSuperFancyTask(b2luigi.Task):
    def dry_run(self):
        for name in self.get_all_output_file_names():
            print(f"              output: {name}")
get_all_output_file_names() Iterator[str]#

Return all file paths created by this task.


class TheSuperFancyTask(b2luigi.Task):
    def dry_run(self):
        for name in self.get_all_output_file_names():
            print(f"              output: {name}")
get_input_file_names(key: Optional[str] = None) Union[Dict[str, List[str]], List[str]]#

Get a dictionary of input file names of the tasks, which are defined in our requirements. Either use the key argument or dictionary indexing with the key given to add_to_output to get back a list (!) of file paths.


key (str, optional) – If given, only return a list of file paths with this given key.


If key is none, returns a dictionary of keys to list of file paths. Else, returns only the list of file paths for this given key.

get_input_file_names_from_dict(requirement_key: str, key: Optional[str] = None) Union[Dict[str, List[str]], List[str]]#

Get a dictionary of input file names of the tasks, which are defined in our requirements.

The requirement method should return a dict whose values are generator expressions (!) yielding required task objects.


class TaskB(luigi.Task):

    def requires(self):
        return {
            "a": (TaskA(5.0, i) for i in range(100)),
            "b": (TaskA(1.0, i) for i in range(100)),

    def run(self):
        result_a = do_something_with_a(
        result_b = do_something_with_b(


    def output(self):
        yield self.add_to_output("combined_results.txt")

Either use the key argument or dictionary indexing with the key given to add_to_output to get back a list (!) of file paths.

  • requirement_key (str) – Specifies the required task expression.

  • key (str, optional) – If given, only return a list of file paths with this given key.


If key is none, returns a dictionary of keys to list of file paths. Else, returns only the list of file paths for this given key.

get_output_file_name(key: str) str#

Analogous to get_input_file_names this function returns a an output file defined in out output function with the given key.

In contrast to get_input_file_names, only a single file name will be returned (as there can only be a single output file with a given name).


key (str) – Return the file path with this given key.


Returns only the file path for this given key.

class b2luigi.ExternalTask(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: b2luigi.core.task.Task, luigi.task.ExternalTask

Direct copy of luigi.ExternalTask, but with the capabilities of Task added.

class b2luigi.WrapperTask(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: b2luigi.core.task.Task, luigi.task.WrapperTask

Direct copy of luigi.WrapperTask, but with the capabilities of Task added.


In cases you have a run function calling external, probably insecure functionalities, use this function wrapper around your run function. It basically emulates a batch submission on your local computer (without any batch system) with the benefit of having a totally separate execution path. If your called task fails miserably (e.g. segfaults), it does not crash your main application.


The run function can include any code you want. When the task runs, it is started in a subprocess and monitored by the parent process. When it dies unexpectedly (e.g. because of a segfault etc.) the task will be marked as failed. If not, it is successful. The log output will be written to two files in the log folder (marked with the parameters of the task), which you can check afterwards:

import b2luigi

class MyTask(b2luigi.Task):
    def run(self):


We are reusing the batch system implementation here, with all its settings and nobs to setup the environment etc. If you want to control it in more detail, please check out Batch Processing.

Implementation note:

In the subprocess we are calling the current executable (which should by python) with the current input file as a parameter, but let it only run this specific task (by handing over the task id and the --batch-worker option). The run function notices this and actually runs the task instead of dispatching again.

Additionally, you can add a cmd_prefix parameter to your class, which also needs to be a list of strings, which are prefixed to the current command (e.g. if you want to add a profiler to all your tasks).

class b2luigi.DispatchableTask(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: b2luigi.core.task.Task

Instead of using the dispatch function wrapper, you can also inherit from this class. Except that, it has exactly the same functionality as a normal Task.


You need to overload the process function instead of the run function in this case!


Override this method with your normal run function. Do not touch the run function itself!