.. _installation-label: Installation ============ This installation description is for the general user. If you are using the Belle II software, see below: 1. Setup your local environment. For example, run: .. code-block:: bash source venv/bin/activate 2. Install b2luigi from pipy into your environment. a. If you have a local installation, you can use the normal setup command .. code-block:: bash python -m pip install b2luigi b. If this fails because you do not have write access to where your virtual environment lives, you can also install b2luigi locally: .. code-block:: bash python -m pip install --user b2luigi This will automatically also install `luigi` into your current environment. Please make sure to always setup your environment correctly before using `b2luigi`. Now you can go on with the :ref:`quick-start-label`. b2luigi and Belle II --------------------- 1. Setup your local environment. You can use a local environment (installed on your machine) or a release on cvmfs. For example, run: .. code-block:: bash source /cvmfs/belle.cern.ch/tools/b2setup prerelease-02-00-00c Or you setup your local installation .. code-block:: bash cd release-directory source tools-directory/b2setup 2. Install b2luigi from pipy into your environment. a. If you have a local installation, you can use the normal setup command .. code-block:: bash python -m pip install b2luigi --upgrade b. If you are using an installation from cvmfs, you need to add the ``user`` flag. .. code-block:: bash python -m pip install --user b2luigi --upgrade .. attention:: The examples in this documentation are all shown with calling ``python``, assuming this refers to the *Python 3* executable of their (virtual) environment. In some systems and e.g. basf2 environments, ``python`` refers to Python 2 (not supported by b2luigi). Then, ``python3`` should be used instead. Please also have a look into the :ref:`basf2-example-label`.